Tuesday, February 7, 2012

All Natural

See those red eye balls I'm wearing? Yeah...they were caused by an allergic reaction to BRAND NEW tube of revlon eye liner. A week later, after wearing only all natural eye liner that I purchased at work, I tried some cover girl eye liner and it happened all over again. Except worst. My eyes are finally back to normal, but only after having to work with bright red eyes and endure endless comments about my questionable eyes. 

I get it. I looked like I was high, or like I had been crying for hours. But what I don't understand is why after years of using these brands have my eyes decided to reject them! The only thing that I can come up with is that they changed ingredients and it just set me off. Some people have told me that sometimes your body can only only take things for a certain amount of time and will finally give up, and that also sounds like a reasonable answer. 

Whatever the answer is, I don't like it. I am happy to only be wearing all natural makeup, I mean, I only eat organic peanut butter and potatoes now, but I'm not happy to be walking around like an emotional pot head. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

A new purse...made by me!

Look what I made! All by myself! Well...with help from my Grandma...but I did all the sewing and cutting! She pretty much just told me how to read the pattern. I get a little confused with that stuff. I'm very proud of the purse, and cannot wait to sew some more!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Betty White!

Happy birthday Betty! She's one of my favorite old gals, and I love that I got to grow up with such a perfect role model. She's sweet classy lady, who makes me laugh out load and want to rescue an animal at the same time. I'm so happy that with all the crazy celebrities we have out there that we have Betty to show us how it's really done! Bravo Betty!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gettin Green

I got a new water bottle today. Normally I wouldn't brag about such a thing, but this has to be by far my favorite water bottle! It's made out of glass, and the green is all grippy so I don't brake it. Yes, this is what we call environmentally friendly my friends. I hate buying plastic water bottles when I can just fill one up over and over again. Especially a cute one like this. 

I also found out that today is the premier of Downton Abbey! I completely forgot that it was coming back the beginning of January, and stumbled upon the ad by chance! Thank goodness I saw it, or I would be pretty ticked off.

Western Movie Marathon

There has been a lot of John Wayne movies on AMC lately. My Dad grew up with John Wayne, and there for, so did I. When I was younger I thought his movies were pretty boring, but now as I grow older and re-watch them I think they're pretty amazing. Especially compared to a lot of movies that are made today (yeah, I'm talking about you Gigli). Now that I'm not living with my parents anymore, when ever I see a John Wayne movie on TV I start watching. It does get me a little homesick, but it brings me back to some good memories with my Dad. And thanks to John Wayne on AMC, I've been introduced to Hell On Wheels, which is good piece of western television if I do say so myself!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Making you smile

In these cold, dark, and boring days of January, I thought I would send you some warm, bright, and exciting images of the family dog. Here he is at my Dad's, enjoying the summer weather and my Dad's flamingo. 

Pure joy. What could be better?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Top 2011

Things I accomplished in 2011:

1. Crocheting a winter headband 

2. Continuing on in the idea of finishing what I started: crocheting a tunnel scarf

3. Learning how to enjoy, and finish a glass of red wine

4. Learning that if I'm going to use photo booth in my living room, to do it on the right side of the couch